“That’s great, thanks. I’ve read through and you wouldn’t know that it wasn’t translated by a native speaker!”
“You are our best Slovak resource, that’s why we choose you for revision, to make sure that the result is good.”
“Could you let me know if you could accept the request as you are the preferred translator …”
“Thank you for the confirmation. … we enjoy working with you and sending you the translations.”

Looking for a translation between Slovak and English?
You can be sure that your sentences will be translated correctly.
More than 80,000 translated pages are a guarantee
that your texts are in good hands.
A translation you can rely on.

A translation you can rely on.
More than 25 years of experience in the industry and precise approach to both language and facts guarantee the highest quality.
The human and artificial intelligence combined for your benefit.

The human and artificial intelligence combined for your benefit.
Working with CAT tools ensures consistency, uniform terminology, and especially for long-term collaboration, you will appreciate that your preferences will be retained for all translations.
Without mistakes.

Without mistakes.
A thorough revision of the output text is a matter of course for us, as evidenced by the number of revised texts and the translation and final layout of a university textbook before going to the press.
We specialise in the following areas:

Chémia chemia chemistry chemical

Technika engineering technical

Farmácia farmacia pharmacy

Informačné technológie it informacne technologie information technology technologies

Patentové prihlášky patenty patentove prihlasky patents patent applications

Titulkovanie filmov filmy titulky subtitles subtitling movie film


marketing reklamné reklamne

lokalizácia lokalizacia webových webovych internetových internetovych stránok stranok website localisation localization

Welcome to a good company:

The certainty of professionally and well-translated text has its price. For our services, we charge a base rate of €0.11 per source word.
The actual rate charged may be varied as agreed. For example, if you opt for long-term collaboration, you get discounts on sentences with complete and even partial match with the translation memory. Conversely, short deadlines can be a reason for higher rates, etc.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

(rěl’ǐs) n. [Lat. religare, to bind fast, to place an obligation on < reliable from Scottish raliabill; consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted] 1. Reliable Services <If you want to be able to rely on a translation, choose RELIS> 2. RELIS has been on the market since 1994 and has since been fulfilling the need for quality translation and interpreting services from/to English. 3. In the constantly growing supply in this area, it keeps its stable position solely thanks to reliable services of the highest standard. 4. Today as well, we are confident that translation will not be an obstacle to your success.

RNDr. Milan Hudeček, CSc.
• In 1986, graduated as RNDr. from the Faculty of Science, Comenius University, Bratislava, in bioorganic chemistry and organic synthesis. In 1990, he completed a postgraduate course as CSc. at the same Faculty in organometallic chemistry; in 1991, a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow – Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
• Also thanks to this experience, he abandoned in 1994 the work of a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Comenius University, and started working full time as an interpreter and translator.
• Certified member of SAPT with years of experience and excellent language skills, he is the guarantor of the top level of all output texts.

Mgr. Peter Hudeček
• In 2015, he graduated from the Masaryk University in Brno, where he studied philosophy.
• He has been translating and interpreting from/to English since his studies in collaboration with RELIS.SK, s.r.o., or the Hory a mesto Film Festival.
• After graduation, he took up various jobs ranging from a project manager of the “Detské mesto povolaní” project, through a bicycle mechanic to a plant breeding researcher. Since 2019 he has been a full-fledged member of the RELIS team.
• As a graduate in philosophy with a passion for literature and creative writing, he opens up the potential to expand the company’s portfolio to include humanities, marketing and copywriting.

RELIS.SK, s.r.o.
Nad Bednárovým 19
900 33 Marianka
Phone: +421 905 611951
Email: milan.hudecek@relis.sk | peter.hudecek@relis.sk